Count down for Workshop 2

In two weeks 120 people from all over Europe will participate in Workshop 2 in Malmö/Sweden.

What are the most important evaluation questions for coordinators of cancer screening programs? Which long-term and harms summarize the effectiveness of a screening programme the best? And are they the same for each country and region? The second EU-TOPIA workshop on EVALUATION will stimulate and facilitate discussions on those and many other aspects.

To what extent should modelling lead decision-making? The participants of the second workshop will have the chance to debate this question with distinguished policy makers and modelers from all around Europe.

During the poster session 19 authors will present their measurable work (e.g. monitoring and evaluation of screening programs, modelling analysis, methodological issues in evaluation research etc.) with a strong focus on screening for cervical, breast or colorectal cancer in Europe. The goal is to keep the conversation going and to facilitate mutual learning.


Programme Workshop 2 - Evaluation 202.56 KB 109 downloads


Poster session - List of abstracts 123.81 KB 49 downloads


The project was launched in September 2015 and will continue to August 2020.

This project has received funding from the European Unionʼs Horizon2020 Programme under grant agreement no 634753