WP2 – Key benchmarks and indicators to quantify equity, benefits and harms of screening

International consensus needs to be reached on the most relevant harms and benefits of screening, thereby enabling agreement on key quality indicators and identification of means to improve performance. We will begin by reviewing existing definitions of harms, benefits and quality indicators in previous projects and literature, as well as those used in existing screening programmes and will adapt and harmonize these indicators across the three cancer types. Quality indicators will be prioritized for data collection by determining their relative contribution to the quantification of equity, benefits and harms and in particular the long-term outcomes of screening. The quality indicators that have an important impact on benefits and harms will be developed into key indicators.

The project was launched in September 2015 and will continue to August 2020.

This project has received funding from the European Unionʼs Horizon2020 Programme under grant agreement no 634753