The overall aim of EU-TOPIA is to improve health outcomes and equity of breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening programmes in ways that take full account of the different demographical, medical, political, economic and cultural contexts across Europe. We aim to do so by providing national, regional, and local policymakers with tools to evaluate and quantify their cancer screening programmes. More specifically, we aim:
Over the past few decades, much attention has been given to implementing quality assurance systems, thereby producing and interpreting interim data and indicators for screening. But quantification of the actual effects of cancer screening in terms of benefits and harms for European citizens is still lacking for most countries, and it is unknown how screening outcomes can be optimised. It is therefore crucial to develop innovations that improve the impact of screening: by quantifying the lifetime benefits and harms of existing cancer screening programmes, and using this information to systematically assess whether continuation, discontinuation or improvements should be made for each country and cancer. In this EU-TOPIA project, we propose systematic and uniform evaluation and quantification of the impact of screening for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer. The project includes an integrated capacity building process that enables interaction between programme owners and stakeholders. The goal is to improve existing cancer screening programmes and thus health outcomes of European citizens, as well as improve cost-effectiveness and equity across Europe. While utopia is a place of ideal perfection, but as such impossible to achieve, eutopia (εὖ means good or well) is a place of well-being, a practical aspiration of utopia towards cancer screening.